The Maryland Small Business Development Fund Authority (MSBDFA) Program: COVID-19 Emergency Relief Loan Fund

Loan Amount: $25K to $200K                   Loan Term: 5 years

Interest Rate: 0% for first year, 2% for remaining term

For more information:

Maryland Economic Adjustment Fund (MEAF)

Loans for up to $150K for eligible businesses with 50 or fewer employees.

Eligible businesses: manufacturers, wholesalers, retail, technology firms, service companies, and skilled trades

For more information:

Neighborhood Business Works Program – Opportunity Zone Microgrant Fund (NBWOZ)

Grant Award Amounts: Minimum – $10K, Maximum – $50K

Eligible Applicants: Early stage businesses and/or businesses that are expanding within a designated Opportunity Zone

Grant Opens on Nov. 17.

For more information:


Frederick County Grants

Restaurant and Food Service Relief Grant

Restaurant and Food Service Relief Grants are designed to provide financial assistance to licensed Frederick County food and beverage providers impacted negatively by restrictions on indoor dining capacity as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as licensed wineries, breweries and distilleries

Frederick County businesses that serve food can begin to apply for grants from:
8 a.m. on Friday, November 13 through 3 p.m. on Monday, November 23.

Questions about the grant program can be emailed to the Office of Economic Development.

Description and Good Standing Instructions

Grants will be awarded in two categories:

  • The first category includes commercially located bakeries and caterers, carry-out restaurants that have no seating, and food trucks.
  • The second group includes restaurants without drive-thrus, and wineries, breweries, and distilleries.

The amount of each grant will be determined by the number of establishments that apply. All eligible businesses in a given category will receive the same amount of funding.

To be eligible, the business must be located in Frederick County; be in good standing with the County and the State of Maryland; and possess a current food license from the Frederick County Health Department, or in the case of craft beverage manufacturers, possess a liquor license from the Frederick County Liquor Board. If the business previously received a Jump Start grant, all documentation for that grant must be received before applying for a Food Service grant.

Grant funds can be used to pay for:

  • Working capital, such as rent, payroll, and job training
  • Purchase of equipment and services to expand outdoor dining, such as tents, heaters, warmers, and carts
  • Infrastructure improvements, such as HVAC system upgrades
  • Technology to support carryout and delivery
  • Purchase of PPE and disposable food containers and utensils
  • Sanitization services